How to export editable PowerPoint charts

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Displayr allows the user to quickly create charts and visualizations before exporting them to PowerPoint.

Creating a chart

Before creating a chart you will first have to create a table. To do so you can either drag and drop a variable on to a page or select Insert > Enter Table and select the variable from the Data Source > Variables in `Data` menu.

To change the table to a chart select the table and go to Inputs > OUTPUTS > Chart.

Exporting an Editable PowerPoint chart

By default, charts and visualizations are exported as images. To change this go to Properties > PowerPoint export > Format > Microsoft Chart.

By default, Displayr will export to a similar chart type in PowerPoint (if it exists). However, you can override this by selecting additional chart types from Export as.

Where there is no matching chart in PowerPoint (e.g. Grid of Bar Chart) Displayr exports a similar editable chart instead. When Displayr can't identify a similar chart type it exports an output as a bar chart.

It's not always possible to exactly recreate a chart created in Displayr in PowerPoint. Displayr aims to match and recreate colors, borders, line types, font families & size, axis contents and grid lines. Exporting works on best effort basis. When an exact replica of the output created in Displayr is required but can't be achieved it's recommended to export the output as a picture.

You can add your own custom chart templates by creating Chart Templates in PowerPoint (or any Microsoft Office application) and uploading them to your Displayr Cloud Drive. You will need to have the chart template file (*.crtx) saved somewhere in preparation.

Export to PowerPoint

Displayr allows you to export selected pages only or all pages. To export a chart to PowerPoint select Export > PowerPoint. Choose which pages you wish to export and select Create new document.

To find out how to update a pre-existing chart and PowerPoint documents see Update Existing Document.

Edit in PowerPoint

Displayr will create a PowerPoint document which will automatically download and appear in your Download folder. You can now open the PowerPoint document and edit the chart as per your requirements.

[[File:Export 2 051120.png]

Updating PowerPoint charts

All the charts exported to a PowerPoint document are linked to Displayr and can be updated. To update a chart select Export > PowerPoint. Choose which pages you wish to export and select Update existing document and select the document you wish to update. Displayr will update the chart, keeping all other content in PowerPoint intact.

Limitations to updating/exporting a Displayr chart/Visualization to PowerPoint

When exporting charts as Microsoft charts to PowerPoint, although we try our best to make the charts resemble how they look on a Displayr Dashboard, there are some limitations. Below is a list of known limitations for when we export charts from Displayr to PowerPoint.

  • Be careful when placing visualizations close to other object on your page because the exact location of chart elements cannot be maintained in the export. This is because Microsoft draws charts according to its own proprietary system. If Displayr tried to specify the exact location of every element in the chart, this locks their positions so that changes to data or other options will not work. It is best to export as Image when you want your chart to line up with other things on your page.
  • Newer PowerPoint Office 2016 Charts are not currently supported (Treemap, Sunburst, Histogram, Box & Whisker, Waterfall, Funnel, Filled Map)
  • Some visualization chart types are not supported (Palm, Streamgraph, Venn, Bar Pictograph)
  • PowerPoint does not have a quantize/jitter options for scatter plots.
  • Charts and Visualizations can have the legend moved anywhere inside the chart in Displayr, in PowerPoint the legend position is docked to the nearest side.
  • Histogram's x-axis is treated as a Categorical Axis in PowerPoint, meaning it's not possible to set a Maximum or a Minimum value to the axis, or the Show grid line option, therefore these settings won't be reflected in PowerPoint.
  • By default, the axis Maximum and Minimum values are set automatically by PowerPoint. The default can be overwritten by manually specifying Maximum and Minimum values in Displayr.
  • When Logarithmic Scaling option is checked for an axis in Displayr, the distance between axis tick marks on the exported chart will look different. During the export PowerPoint will automatically set the major and minor units in PowerPoint.
  • Show Statistic Name is not supported by PowerPoint.
  • Axis titles are currently not exported on some charts.
  • Swap X and Y axes option does not work for some charts.
  • Stacked Categorical Plots have a setting called "Show stack totals" which adds a total to the top of each stack in Displayr. This setting is not supported by PowerPoint.
  • Bubble plots in PowerPoint setting doesn't allow for changing the shape of a bubble to a different shape (e.g. squares, triangles, diamonds, etc).
  • Pie plots in Displayr have a setting called Pie Size, which is not supported in PowerPoint.
  • Some charts (e.g. Stacked charts) in Displayr won’t contain a data label if the value is equal to 0. All data labels are shown in PowerPoint.
  • “Only show labels that fit” setting is ignored for plots which means we always show all labels rather than only showing some of the labels.
  • Visualizations can have titles, sub-titles, and footers. These are not supported by PowerPoint.
  • Some Visualizations in Displayr allow the user to add a Line of best fit on bar/column charts. This is not supported in PowerPoint.
  • Visualizations using Small Multiples are not supported in PowerPoint.
  • Scatterplot visualizations in Displayr allow categorical X/Y axis but this is not supported in PowerPoints, so the levels will be converted to integers.
  • Visualizations in Displayr have a customize margins option. This is not supported in PowerPoint.
  • Visualizations in Displayr with data labels may find these are positioned differently in Powerpoint.
  • Legend type "Individual" (where each series is individually labelled with custom text formatting and a leader line to the series) is not supported in PowerPoint.
  • Axis range and the position where the axes cross in the exported chart may be different from the visualization in Displayr.
  • In visualizations, the x-axis labels may change orientation (from vertical to horizontal) if it is set to Automatic.
  • Annotations In Visualizations:
    • The position of Annotations in Radar charts will appear on the data labels rather than the category labels
    • Multiple annotations per point is not supported by PowerPoint