Synonyms Table

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Each row in the table represents a list of synonyms. These synonyms are used by the search bar at the top of Displayr documents, which allows you to search features and settings. This list is maintained by Displayr staff.

The first column is a target term, and should be named the same as a menu item in Displayr. Each following column is a synonym for the target term, which means that if the user searches for the synonym, the target menu item will be highlighted. Each row can have multiple columns if there are multiple synonyms for the target term. The terms are used in a case insensitive manner, so the capitalization below is irrelevant.

Please keep the list in alphabetical order.

ANOVA Analysis of Variance
Background color Background colour
Binary Logit Logistic
Choice Modeling Conjoint CBC
Combine Merge Net Nette Nett
Correspondence Analysis of a Table Correspondance analysis map
Driver Analysis Shapley Correlation Regression Jaccard
Font color Font colour
Hierarchical Cluster Analysis Segment Segmentation
K-Means Cluster Analysis Segment Segmentation
Latent Class Analysis Segment Segmentation
Linear Regression Analysis of covariance
Principal Components Analysis Principle factor
Rename Re-name Change Name Document Name File Name Filename
Segmentation Latent Class K-Means Hierarchical
Test Row 2
Test Row 3.1 Test Row 3.2 Test Row 3.3