Case Study - Dashboard - Simple Shopping Survey

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This case study formed the 2nd part of the webinar DIY Market Research Dashboards - Building 4 in 40 minutes (webinar), originally presented on the 5th of December, 2017.


This case study created a simple dashboard from raw data to display results about demographics and likelihood-to-recommend for a number of supermarket brands.

In this case study you will learn:

  • How to add a Data Set to your Displayr document.
  • How to create and format tables and charts directly from the data set.
  • How to modify the structure of a variable set.
  • How to recode data in a variable set.
  • How to create and apply filters.
  • How to efficiently reproduce a standard set of results with copy and paste.

You can view the final dashboard here.

You can edit a copy of the final dashboard here.


This case study links to the content of the second chapter in the webinar (recording here):


How to create the dashboard

All of the steps required to create this dashboard are described in this article from our blog.


Data Set

The SPSS data file used for this dashboard is File:Shopping.sav.


The image files for the slide backgrounds and brand logos used in the creation of this dashboard were:

  • Title page background: ShoppingTitlePage.jpg
  • Page background: ShoppingBackground.png
  • Aldi logo: AldiLogo.png
  • Coles logo: ColesLogo.png
  • Costco logo: CostCoLogo.png
  • Woolworths logo: WoolworthsLogo.png