Case Study - Dashboard - Microsoft KPIs

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This case study formed the 3rd part of the webinar DIY Market Research Dashboards - Building 4 in 40 minutes (webinar), originally presented on the 5th of December, 2017.


This case study illustrates methods for bringing in data using APIs, in particular Yahoo Finance and Google Trends, and using this to create time series charts. In this case study you will learn:

  • How to add stock price and Google Trends data.
  • How to link the data to interactive time series charts.
  • How to use boxes, shapes, and text to format the appearance of a page.

You can view the final dashboard here.

You can edit a copy of the final dashboard here.


This case study links to the content of the third chapter in the webinar (recording here):


How to create the dashboard

All of the steps required to create this dashboard are described in this article from our blog.


The only file used in the creation of this dashboard is the Microsoft Logo: Microsoft-logo.png.